Sunday, June 5, 2011

Charge the mobile phone effectively

Whenever  we charge our mobile phone, try to turn it off. It will increase the battery life. Its  always nice to use the earphone or the  head set while talking as the mobile phones are causing lots of issues to human body in these days.

It would be a gr8 thing if we could save at least one from the wretch less hands of mobiles radiation .....Save ur life matey as life is once for all ...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Configuring Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009

Prerequisites for Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009
  • ·         Microsoft’s Window 2003 Server Operating System or higher.
  • ·         Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher (Service Pack 2)
  • ·         Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or higher
  • ·         Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or higher.
  • ·         Microsoft SharePoint Services 2007 or higher
  • ·         Microsoft Office 2007.
  • ·         The updates must be duly done.
First of all set the permanent paths to bm.exe and regasm.exe in the environment variables. 

Preliminary steps to be followed while installing Biztalk server 2009 for the first time

  • Go to Command Prompt and Type ====> regasm in the folder location which open up when you start the Command Prompt.
  • See if some terms and definitions appear when we enter these terms or else enter the paths of those in the environment variables in My Computer Properties.
  • Now we have to register the files (SSODB Database) included with Enterprise Sign On.
  • To register the files, type regasm “path of the file SSOSql.dll” and finally \SSOSql.dll
  • On successful registration, we can see an error message like, Types of error messages registered successfully.
  • Now go to start->Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009\BizTalk server configuration 2009.
  • Choose the Basic Configuration among Basic and Custom and feed the login details of the administrator on the right lower side of the window.
  • Now on successful registration of the files will take us through clear and smooth configuration where all the  7 processes will be done on its own.
  • The exception that can occur is that we may have to login with administrator credentials in certain locations.

Things to be noted here- 

Always give secret back up password in the Enterprise Sign On process which is the first process. If an error occurs while installing BAM tools please restart the service of BizTalk server and continue. In most of the cases it would be enough to overcome the issues.
In order to initiate EDI Runtime, there is a folder named Tracking under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Biztalk Server\Tracking \.
Select Command Prompt and type as follows,  bm deploy-all -Definition File:"path of the file".
2 files- AS2EDIReportingActivityDefs.xml, EdiReportingActivityDefs.xml
For e.g (C:\ProgramFiles\Microsfot BizTalk Server\Tracking \AS2ReportingActivityDefs.xml)
On successful deploying, we get the message, for successful work or else we have to update the package. For this replace the word deploy n the command with update.

Happy configuration!!!!

Reconfiguring the BizTalk server 2009.

This occurs once you have successfully completed the full time configuration of the Microsoft BizTalk server 2009. If you want o reconfigure it again, you can follows it as such.
  •  Go to ctrl panel ->add or remove programs. Microsoft Enterprise SSO and the BizTalk 2009 server evaluation version should be removed.
  • Go to IIS and remove the BAM application pool. (Most often the pool will be removed as we remove the BizTalk)
  • Go to Microsoft Sql server, we have to remove all the databases other than the System databases. In addition we have to move to Integration Services in Sql. For this, choose Connect dropdown list available above the left side windows in SQL Server.
                Go to Sql -> Integration services->Stored packages ->file system and MSDB.
·         BAM_DM_Interchangestatus activity,
·         BAM_DM_AS2InterchangfeActivity
·         BAM_DM_As2MEssageACtivity

i.e. delete everything other than the folder present in the Stored packages.

  • The log file is found C:/program files /common files/ Enterprise Sign On. If you find more than one log files remove all other than the latest log file.
  • On successful installation, we register the SSODB Database. For this, we go to framework folder and select the regasm.exe. And continue the step 4 in normal initial time configuration.
To register a com component, we must register in cmd like
C:\>regsvr "C:\Windows\System32\mycom.dll"

Registration of a dll file and an assembly.

An assembly is a .dll file which may be registered or non- registered. Regasm is used to register the assembly and the regsvr is used to register the dll file.
Therefore in Command Prompt, we enter regasm "C:\Program Files\Common Files\ Enterprise Sign-On\SSOSQL.dll". 


The step which involves the registration of regasm.exe is a bug of BizTalk server 2009. Once installing the BizTalk server 2009, SSO assembly is to be registered. SSO SQL.dll is the file which is to be registered. By this SSO is configured by group.

THE BAM comes unconfigured which must be configured lately. In IIS, we have application pool named BAM Application pool. We should manually do the configuration. We must choose the unconfigure option and configure all the options. (This need not be done every time, unless it is asked for.)

Services of BizTalk server 2009

  • ·         Enterprise Sign On Service
  • ·         BizTalk Server Application
Both these services are interdependent. So be careful and don’t try to manipulate them unless it is very important.

Tips that can reduce global Warming...

Hi friends,

Every person has a debt towards the nature for the love and care that it shows to us.  We cant live like a paying guest who uses the resources at its very capacity and leaves the scene without a single word of gratitude. The nature has always given us shelter and a living to make a happy home out of the miseries in the world. 
But everyone  is busy designing their life to bury it in the latest modern gadgets and technology which were the gifts  from the mother nature. I have found some interesting tips which everyone can follow to reduce the rate of global warming which is killing millions of lives all around the globe.Its pretty easy to follow this as each and everyone of these are within our will and decision.
  • By reducing the time we use the microwave oven by an hour a day, we can save 474 kg of  CO2 released into the atmosphere per year.
  • Choosing to jog in a nearby park than working out on the tread-mill for 45 minutes can save 365 kg of  CO2 released into the atmosphere per year.
  • Don't keep your vehicle in idle state while you are in junctions or traffic islands waiting for the green signal as the vehicle will use 40-55% more fuel than its usual consumption rate. Please turn off your vehicle when you are in IDLE State.It can save you a lot of fuel and can reduce carbon emission considerably.  There is no point in crying that the fuel  price has been hiked periodically. 
  • Maintaining a tight seal on refrigerator doors and clean appliance coils can save 317 kg of  CO2 released into the atmosphere per year.
  • If we decide to go without AC for 2 hours a day, we can save 2190 kg of  CO2 released into the atmosphere per year.
  • Use of CFL over the 60-watt electric bulb can reduce the global warming by one fourth.
  • Choose train/ bus(Public Transport System) over the car as a journey of 1 hour can save almost 80 kg of  CO2 released into the atmosphere per year.
  •  Using clothesline over the dryer of Washing Machine can save 840 kg of  CO2 released into the atmosphere per year.
  • Reduction in use of geyser by an hour a day  can save 1205  kg of  CO2 released into the atmosphere per year.

I humbly ask you to do this as there is nothing that we can do unless its is a collective effort to help reduce the carbon  emission. The giant firms have their investors and stakeholders to be answered if their policy gets changed, but we don't have to answer anyone except to our future generations. When they ask will you ,"Dad / Mom why didn't you leave anything for us to use happily? Why did you use all the resources to let us endanger in this hell called earth?" We may not have an answer. So to avoid that awful scene. Lets do this...

AND all readers, pls leave a comment ; as it would be very helpful to improve my writing. (you must log in with ur Google account to comment on the blog)

Ultra modern life style ruins the mankind

Research in the Netherlands suggested that outbreaks of bleeding bark and dying leaves which have blighted the country’s urban trees may be caused by radiation from the Wi-Fi ­networks now so integral to life in offices, schools and homes.

Electrosmog: Modern laptops all connect to the internet via Wi-Fi

I have long been concerned about the harmful effects of the ­electro-magnetic radiation emitted not only by Wi-Fi devices but many other common modern gadgets, including mobile and cordless phones, wireless games consoles and microwave ovens.

Much though I love trees, and worrying though I find this research, what really unnerves me is the effect these electro-magnetic fields (or EMFs) are having on humans, surrounding us as they do with a constant cloud of ‘electrosmog’.

It is not the existence of these radio waves that is the problem so much as the use we make of them. Rather than being emitted at a constant rate, technology demands they are ‘pulsed’ in short and frequent bursts which appear to be far more biologically harmful. Not the least is their impact on our ability to reproduce.

Mobiles are not the only problem. Many laptops are now equipped with Wi-Fi which sends out pulses every second as it maintains contact with the nearest access point. Young men with these devices on their laps are submitting their testicles to strong EMFs at close range, oblivious to the damage they may be doing to their chances of future fatherhood.

EMFS have also been shown to affect the brain, suppressing production of melatonin, the hormone controlling whether we feel happy or sad. In 2004, researchers at the University of Malaga found that significant exposure to EMFs increases the chances of developing depression 40-fold.

They also linked electrosmog to headaches, irritability, unusual tiredness and sleeping disorders.
This has been confirmed in research by the respected Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Sponsored by the leading mobile phone companies, it showed that using handsets just before going to bed caused people to take longer to reach deeper stages of sleep. They also spent less time in each of these stages, so interfering with the body’s ability to repair damage suffered during the day.

iPad: Apple's tablet is one of a growing number of devices that connects to the internet via Wi-Fi

This is particularly alarming given the tendency for teenagers and children to sleep with their mobile phones under the pillows so that they can answer late-night texts from friends.
Parents who allow their children to do so may be taking a significant gamble with their health.
This year saw the publication of the Interphone study carried out in 13 countries including the UK, and examining the links between mobile phone use and brain tumours. It suggested that those who had made heavy use of mobiles for a decade or more faced twice the risk of glioma, the most common type of brain tumour.

And this was a study based on the period between 1994 and 2004 when ‘heavy’ usage was defined as two to three hours per month. A conservative estimate of average mobile phone use now is approximately half an hour a day, seven days a week.

Since brain tumours often develop very slowly it may be many years before the full impact of our reliance on mobiles becomes clear. But they are already implicated in another area of concern to health professionals, the onset of dementia in those under 65.

Experts are at a loss to explain the increase in this condition which has seen a surge in demand for pre-senile dementia units across the country. But can we really be surprised when a study at the Institute of Environmental Medicine in Sweden confirmed this month that exposure to EMFs significantly accelerates brain degeneration?
 Trees: Outbreaks of bleeding bark and dying leaves may have been caused by radiation from Wi-Fi networks research suggests
The risks posed by EMFs are recognised not only by scientists, but hard-headed commercial organisations. In 1997, the insurance company Swiss-Re identified EMFs as likely to cause the biggest increase in claims in years to come. Swiss-Re and other insurers have therefore refused to indemnify the mobile phone operators against health claims from their customers.

Even so, we should not hold out much hope of our politicians protecting us from EMFs. The mobile phone industry in the UK contributes around £20 billion in tax every year, so it’s hardly likely the Government will take action to reduce the number of calls.
Indeed, it seems to be going in almost the opposite direction, encouraging the installation of Wi-Fi networks in our schools with tactics which sometimes verge on coercion. I’ve been told about a school which was threatened that it would receive no further government funding for computer technology if it did not install Wi-Fi.

 Always on: Green Orb symbol for Wi-Fi
In the absence of official intervention, it’s down to all of us to protect ourselves. My aim as a campaigner is not to scare people but inform them about the risks, so they can choose to take precautions.

But there are small steps which we can all take. 
  • We should all try to use hands-free sets.
  • We should also avoid cordless phones. Their base stations transmit 100 pulses a second, 24/7, even if you’re not using the phone, and at power levels equivalent to having a small mobile phone mast in your home.
  • You might also consider whether you really need wireless internet access in your home. One option is to buy dLAN adaptors which transmit the internet signal around the house by way of your ordinary electrical wiring.
  • Such changes will require small adjustments to our modern lifestyles. But until the evidence against EMFs is proven or disproven, these are surely sacrifices well worth making.

Indian Scientists popular for faking results

I came across an interesting  news while wandering in the Net. I thought it would  be nice if i could share it with  everyone. This is the real face of the scientists who we believe to be the brightest minds of the nation. We use to look at them with honour and respect, and sometimes with fear as they use to proclaim their mighty degree name while they move, walk, run,and talk. Being an Engineer and as I was an Engineering Student once, I can understand the right sense of it . Many people tend to show off the papers that they have made. We expect the teachers to mold us to in a fine manner that can help us to become fine Engineers. But instead, they behave like  mighty gods, wrecking vengeance against their community enemy (students) without giving single penny or service back to the nation who spent their sweat and power to educate these so called " GURUS". Please follow the link...

Solution for the missing of ASP.NET 2.0 from IIS 6.0 in Windows 2003 Server Edition

Hi folks,

U might have come up with the error of a missing ASP.NET 2.0 in the web service extensions in the IIS 6.0. Dont worry . This happens when the .Net framework  definitions seems to go in a bizarre way or get uninstalled.
To solve this,  follow these steps :
1. Go to command prompt
2. run:
        C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\ Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis -i -enable
This will install the missing ASP.Net  in the web service extensions in the IIS 6.0 .. So happy time to all..

Other possible ways you might try.: but possibly wont help you --
1. create   a separate folder for  ASP.NET v2.0.50727
2. AND then  go to the same folder and add the aspnet_client_isapi.dll file which might end up in  a failure.

You dont have to do anything on the server settings. Its due to the uninstall or the missing of the ASP.NET v 2.0 which can be added like this..

Get real friends, i got this one to be successfully running, please do this, why waste ur precious time ? ..

all the best...

Installing Windows Sharepoint Server in Windows 2003 Server edition .

The pre-requisites needed for successful installation of Sharepoint Server is that-
  • IIS should be in the running mode and properly giving the output.
  • .NET framework 3.5 should be higher
Ways to check whether the IIS is successfully installed.
  • A simple "htm" file must be made and must be saved in the Inetpub-> wwwroot folder in the drive of the OS.
  • Followed by this, the explorer must be opened,and on typing the term -" http://localhost" we must get the file that we copied in the wwwroot folder. 
  • If this is successful done, we can make sure that IIS is successfully installed and the working is optimum.
Another prominent method is that the Web Service extensions in the InetPub -> wwwroot folder  must be checked.
  • If you can the web service extension ASP.NET v2.0.50727 to be allowed and all other extensions to be prohibited, then  folks, u can confirm u have successfully done it.
Or else while you are about to installing the Sharepoint server, you might see the warning message that, the Windows Workflow foundation 4.0.4203 is missing ; which is an integral part of the Microsoft Framework 3.0. So you must download the same from the www.

After successfully meeting these requirements, we must follow these steps-
  • Windows  Sharepoint Server 3.0 should be installed.The setup will be available in the Downloads center in
  • After successfully downloading the setup file, on installation, we must opt the basic installation.And on successful completion, the Configuration wizard appears which has 10 or 11 roles which will be completely done unless an exception occurs. In normal cases, any kind of exception doesn't happen.
  • Then we must check whether the Shape point Manager is there in the administrative tools option in Start Menu.
    • Start->All Programs -> Administrative Tools ->Sharepoint Manager
  • Now we will see the Internet explorer  with a homepage named Team Site .
  • So far if everything is fine, you are well on track.
  • Now, we need the WSS 3.0 Service pack 2. Unless we give the MOSS (Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007) the exceptions with error numbers 103318 and 96177 occurs. These occurs clearly due to the absence of the service packs that are required.
  • So in order to avoid the errors, we must download the WSS service  pack 2 from It comes around 179 MB. 
  • Install the WSS Service pack 2 downloaded from the Downloads center in Microsoft Site.
  • Even after the successful installation of the setup file, the Configuration Wizard runs to create the Central Administration Page in the Explorer. This can be checked by seeing the Central Administration Manager in the Start Menu which will have the Central Administration Page.
  • It can also be seen in the IIS Manager available in the Administrative Tools option under the Websites.
    • Start->All Programs -> Administrative Tools ->IIS Manager
  • Now after successfully following so many steps, we should install the MOSS (Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007) which holds the license of the WSS. We can try the trial version of MOSS which is active for  180 days.
  • The setup file for the same can be obtained from the It comes around 448 MB.
  • On installing the MOSS which is a trial version ,we have to enter the 25 letter KEY. This can also be availed from the download page. I am providing that as well.
    • For Standard   - XJMKW-8T7PR-76XT6-RTC8G-VVWCQ
    • For Enterprise - F2JBW-4PDJC-HKXTJ-YCKRP-T2J9D
  •  After entering the Key, continue the installation. At last after the Configuration Wizard runs once in for all, you can view the HOME PAGE in the address - http://servername/
I hope you could identify what I was pointing to and could easily install the Sharepoint server. Best of Luck and happy programing.