Prerequisites for Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009
- · Microsoft’s Window 2003 Server Operating System or higher.
- · Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher (Service Pack 2)
- · Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or higher
- · Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or higher.
- · Microsoft SharePoint Services 2007 or higher
- · Microsoft Office 2007.
- · The updates must be duly done.
First of all set the permanent paths to bm.exe and regasm.exe in the environment variables.
Preliminary steps to be followed while installing Biztalk server 2009 for the first time
- Go to Command Prompt and Type ====> regasm in the folder location which open up when you start the Command Prompt.
- See if some terms and definitions appear when we enter these terms or else enter the paths of those in the environment variables in My Computer Properties.
- Now we have to register the files (SSODB Database) included with Enterprise Sign On.
- To register the files, type regasm “path of the file SSOSql.dll” and finally \SSOSql.dll
- On successful registration, we can see an error message like, Types of error messages registered successfully.
- Now go to start->Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009\BizTalk server configuration 2009.
- Choose the Basic Configuration among Basic and Custom and feed the login details of the administrator on the right lower side of the window.
- Now on successful registration of the files will take us through clear and smooth configuration where all the 7 processes will be done on its own.
- The exception that can occur is that we may have to login with administrator credentials in certain locations.
Things to be noted here-
Always give secret back up password in the Enterprise Sign On process which is the first process. If an error occurs while installing BAM tools please restart the service of BizTalk server and continue. In most of the cases it would be enough to overcome the issues.
In order to initiate EDI Runtime, there is a folder named Tracking under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Biztalk Server\Tracking \.
Select Command Prompt and type as follows, bm deploy-all -Definition File:"path of the file".
2 files- AS2EDIReportingActivityDefs.xml, EdiReportingActivityDefs.xml
For e.g (C:\ProgramFiles\Microsfot BizTalk Server\Tracking \AS2ReportingActivityDefs.xml)
On successful deploying, we get the message, for successful work or else we have to update the package. For this replace the word deploy n the command with update.
Happy configuration!!!!
Reconfiguring the BizTalk server 2009.
This occurs once you have successfully completed the full time configuration of the Microsoft BizTalk server 2009. If you want o reconfigure it again, you can follows it as such.
- Go to ctrl panel ->add or remove programs. Microsoft Enterprise SSO and the BizTalk 2009 server evaluation version should be removed.
- Go to IIS and remove the BAM application pool. (Most often the pool will be removed as we remove the BizTalk)
- Go to Microsoft Sql server, we have to remove all the databases other than the System databases. In addition we have to move to Integration Services in Sql. For this, choose Connect dropdown list available above the left side windows in SQL Server.
Go to Sql -> Integration services->Stored packages ->file system and MSDB.
· BAM_DM_Interchangestatus activity,
· BAM_DM_AS2InterchangfeActivity
· BAM_DM_As2MEssageACtivity
i.e. delete everything other than the folder present in the Stored packages.
- The log file is found C:/program files /common files/ Enterprise Sign On. If you find more than one log files remove all other than the latest log file.
- On successful installation, we register the SSODB Database. For this, we go to framework folder and select the regasm.exe. And continue the step 4 in normal initial time configuration.
To register a com component, we must register in cmd like
C:\>regsvr "C:\Windows\System32\mycom.dll"
Registration of a dll file and an assembly.
An assembly is a .dll file which may be registered or non- registered. Regasm is used to register the assembly and the regsvr is used to register the dll file.
Therefore in Command Prompt, we enter regasm "C:\Program Files\Common Files\ Enterprise Sign-On\SSOSQL.dll".
The step which involves the registration of regasm.exe is a bug of BizTalk server 2009. Once installing the BizTalk server 2009, SSO assembly is to be registered. SSO SQL.dll is the file which is to be registered. By this SSO is configured by group.
THE BAM comes unconfigured which must be configured lately. In IIS, we have application pool named BAM Application pool. We should manually do the configuration. We must choose the unconfigure option and configure all the options. (This need not be done every time, unless it is asked for.)
Services of BizTalk server 2009
- · Enterprise Sign On Service
- · BizTalk Server Application
Both these services are interdependent. So be careful and don’t try to manipulate them unless it is very important.